Pick blackcurrants as soon as they ripen. After picking, feed them with some all-purpose plant food. Growth being made now will produce next year's crop of fruit.
Bedding plants and containers
Feed all containers once a week to gain best results. Remove any dead flowers to help keep disease at bay during these damp times.
Keep a watchful eye on your roses for pests and disease. The inclement weather conditions provide ideal conditions for them to thrive. Spray as necessary.
Continue to dead head and feed roses that have finished their first flush of blooms.
Perennials and annuals
Dead head perennials and annuals, unless you want to save seed.
Hedge Trimming
This is the best month to trim hawthorn and laurel hedges. If you cut them earlier they will need another trim, but if you leave it later the growth will become tougher to cut.