Gardening Tips » February

Ivy,friend or foe?

Ivy in general is often an indicator of stress rather than the cause of it.The ivy plant is not a parasite which means it does not take from the nutrition from the tree.Unlike the mistletoe plant which,although very beautiful and an important part of christmas,is a parasite which does take vital nutrition from the tree.

Where does the ivy plant get its nutrition?

Ivy roots into the ground.The ivy plant's masses of tiny aerial roots produced by the ivy plant are simply for support,and do not penetrate the tree's bark.In the dense canopy of a healthy tree there is rarely enough light for ivy to thrive.But where a tree is on the way out,ivy will take advantage and grow vigorously.

Ivy is not all bad.On healthy,mature trees.Ivy should be welcomed.Ivy will do them no harm and will however provide food and shelter for insects and birds.

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